Sunday, January 3, 2010

My first Blog....3 Jan 10 @ 9:46 PM

Its been more than 3 years i knew what a blog is and was keen since last year to start up with my own blog. Ultimately the time has come and here i am typing my 1st blog. May be i am taking too much time in doing things.......Surely i need to enhance my pace otherwise blogging would be stepping on to the 3rd generation and i would be brushing on the primordial version of blogging world.
As i started, was really confused about the contents for my 1st blog but ended my dilemma thinking its not some assignment which i have to deliver to my boss tomorrow rather its something
which has no boundaries, terms and conditions to abide and provides ample freedom to open ones heart to the whole world for whom his existence is still unknown.

Let me tell u all why i have chosen the name of my blog as "THE ULTIMATE DESTINATION", The true fact is that what i want to make is a station where i can meet people of all dimensions sharing comments that more or less give me a view of what others think and how they lead their life and its what i always aspire to know i.e. socializing with people.
In the ending part of my 1st blog i want to take some resolutions, which i want to abide for my life, that is to share my life with the world in a very unadulterated way and to take feedback from the other side as precious comments.


1 comment:

  1. Hey...its wonderful...!! completely surprising..
    I really liked it...u never spoke abt it... its really amazing by d way congrats 4 ur 1st blog...
    keep going& all d best
    luv u miss u take care...
